By Kreig Marks, July 2024
TRR: Could you tell us about how your band formed and what inspired you to start making music together?
BS: Jesse and Jonny had been in a couple of previous bands/projects, and when Justin moved to Knoxville from San Diego, these three met up after some Facebook back and forth in the music community. Everything went really well during the first couple of jam
sessions, and the ideas that were brought in by Jonny were almost fully formed songs. Justin met John W. during that time and showed him some of those ideas, since he almost always records our practices, and jams. Skylar was brought in off of another Facebook post looking for musicians and the group really just fell together.
TRR: What would you say sets your music apart from other emerging rock bands today?
BS: Our style sets us apart. Each member of the band brings in a distinct musical preference and background and that really gets reflected in the music. We write music that we enjoy to listen to and play. Our sound requires all of us, we can’t just have a
stand in musician come over and play the parts. All of our little quirks and nuisances’ are what make our sound stand out.
TRR: How would you describe your band's sound and style? Are there any specific artists or bands that have influenced your music?
BS: We would describe our sound as new alt. metal/rock. Melodic, mostly mid-tempo, heavy, chunky at times, and with some odd time signatures. We tend to write songs in layers, especially since we have 3 active electric guitars on stage, and we allow the
song to dictate direction. We have had folks tell us that they get a Sevendust, Staind, Tool, Alice and Chains vibe from our shows.
TRR: What has been the biggest challenge your band has faced so far, and how did you overcome it?
BS: Our biggest challenge so far has probably been finishing a couple of songs that we have written, but aren’t exactly happy with. We have one that we’ve played live a handful of times, with and without the vocals. Its hard to decide how we really want the
song to be put out. The other challenge is trying to afford to record our music. This is an expensive venture. With each song that we release costing at minimum $1000-1500 in studio/mastering time.
TRR: Can you share a memorable moment from one of your performances or recording sessions that stands out to you?
BS: Our first show at Sam’s Place in Crowley Louisiana. It was almost overwhelming, the love that we felt at that show. Every member of the band was just happy to be there and the people and venue were amazing. If you’ve ever been somewhere that just
gave you the feeling that they really wanted you to be there, and appreciated every bit of the set, that was the place. What a great show.
TRR: What are your short-term and long-term goals as a band? Where do you see yourselves in the next few years?
BS: Short term, we are planning to hit the studio and finish our next EP by the Fall of 2024. Long term we are working with Massive Media MS, to plan some more tour runs over the fall and winter of 2024/2025 and some bigger trips to expand our reach up into Michigan and the Midwest next year.
TRR: How do you approach songwriting as a band? Is it a collaborative process, or does each member contribute individually?
BS: We feel that an idea for a song can come from anywhere. Sometimes its just a riff that one of the guitars are playing during a break, or sometimes it’s a drum beat that catches on. We have even had Jesse send us an entire song before (Black Waters) he
caught a writing bug and basically laid out the whole song one day. We had it demo’d in the home studio within a practice or two and it hasn’t changed since. There are no bad Ideas and we record each practice just in case a good riff falls out and we cant remember how it went.