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Founded in 2016, Salvage Station is Asheville, NC's favorite riverfront bar, restaurant, concert hall, and special events venue located in the historic River Arts District along the French Broad River. From music shows and festivals, to community and private events, Salvage Station is an excellent place to hang out and have a truly great Asheville experience


KM:  Hi Danny.  Welcome to Tru Rock Revival Magazine. We recently relocated our headquarters to Asheville and are looking forward to all the city has to offer in music, beer and lifestyle.  And, there’s no better way to get this ball rolling than by doing a brief interview with you, the owner and creative mind behind Salvage Station.  Tell us a bit about Salvage Station and what led you to its development.


DM:  In 2014 I was one of the operators of Brewgrass Festival along with Barley’s Taproom in downtown Asheville and I noticed that there wasn’t an outdoor music venue in town. Some family friends of mine were closing their salvage business at 466 Riverside Drive and I saw that as an opportunity to clean the space up and bring it back to life as a music & events venue on the French Broad river.  We opened our doors in 2016 and never looked back! Today we host around 180 shows per year on our indoor and outdoor stages.  The old adage, you build it and they will come, is real. 


KM:  What do you find to be the biggest challenges in the day to day operation of Salvage Station?


DM:  One of the biggest challenges in our day to day operations is the ever changing set-up due to varying needs with production, tents, tables, chairs, and whatever the weather decides to do that day. Our crew wants the artist and customer experience to always be top notch so we take that into consideration in order to thoughtfully curate a unique experience for each event. 


KM:  What drives you to keep striving for more?  


DM:  The growth of the music industry in Asheville is a true passion of mine and of my employees. The more we do to support that, the happier we all are. 


KM:  On some nights at the venue, do you ever stand back, look around at all the people and think to yourself how cool the place is, how all the hard work has paid off for all these years?


DM:  YES! Live music is the best and I get that feeling during every show. Seeing others enjoy what I created is such a reward. 


KM:  Out of all the bands that have performed at Salvage, which one really stands out?


DM:  That is a tough question! We’ve had so many amazing performances on our stages (both indoor and outdoor). One of my favorites on the indoor stage was Samantha Fish. That woman is incredibly talented. As for the outdoor stage, The String Cheese Incident takes the win. The caliber of musical talent paired with how great they were to work with behind the scenes made that one truly special. 

KM:  What is your dream band you’d like to see perform at Salvage?


DM: We’d love to have Billy Strings back on the stage! 


KM:  When you’re not working, what do you enjoy doing?


DM: It seems like I’m always working these days but when I’m not, I enjoy spending time with my family, fishing, cooking, and watching the Buffalo Bills win!


KM:  Go Fins!  Where do you see Salvage Station 5 years from now?


DM: I haven’t told anyone this yet, but we are hoping to expand into other markets. Salvage Nation, baby!

KM:  Very exciting.  Keep us in the loop once things get rolling.  

Salvage Station Asheville

466 Riverside Drive
Asheville, NC 28801

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Intellect Media, LLC.

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