Welcome to the Energy of HOLLOW INTENT

Hollow Intent has now released their EP "Monster" that showcases their current single, "Burn." More recently, in May 2019, the group was nominated for 2019 Carolina Music Award's Best Rock Group and Best Rock Male for lead vocalist Will Baker.
TRR: Hi Guys. Welcome to Tru Rock Revival Magazine. Let's begin with an introduction of the band. Who are the players?
Will Baker (Guitar/Vocals), Wesley Seven (Guitar), James Deschamps (Bass), Mark Bradley Davis (Drums)
TRR: How did all of you get together?
Will: Mark and I knew each other from a previous audition for Stricken and we happened to link up again for Hollow Intent. I knew Wes from his band Ethyrium and I met shane when I was playing drums for a band that was starting up. Wes and Shane have known each other for quite some time. I actually didn’t want to keep going with putting a band together but, Shane bugged me enough times and Mark wanted to jam so I said, “WHY NOT!?” Then we brought in Wes and that’s how it’s been!
TRR: What do you think makes your band stand out from others?
Will: You know, these days, you generally hear a LOT of the same sound, sonically. If that’s how it works, then that’s how it works, but we really pride ourselves on really meshing our influences into music that we really like to play and that we can relate to. The biggest separation from others, is that we have our own brand of coffee called Monster Brew, a mildy roasted, bourbon flavored coffee. It’s friggin’ delicious. Link is below!
TRR: What do you think of Rock, the Hall of Fame, the Grammy's and how it is out there?
Will: Honestly, we don’t particularly care about awards or ceremonies. If the award is the consequence for what we have done, the hard work that we (team) and our FANS have put in to get us there, that’s fantastic! We really want to spread our message to help people through some tough times, to connect on a relate-able level, all because we LOVE music.
Rock has always had that “red headed step-child” label because of difference. People don’t like what they don’t understand, and that’s okay. Just come out to a rock show and let loose. I can’t guarantee you will change your mind, but you will experience a unity, a family, and some amazing music!
TRR: Who are some of your musical influences? Let's see what you guys have to say. I have my own thoughts.
Will: We are influenced by bands such as Breaking Benjamin, The Used, Sevendust, Chevelle, Deftones, Kiss, etc. The list travels far.
TRR: Yep. I can definitely hear some Breaking Benjamin and Chevelle in your music. Writing your music...How do you guys write your songs? Is everyone involved?
Will: However the music comes to us, that’s what we work with, honestly. If I have an idea and I work an entire song, we will practice and change it. Same thing for the others, they’ll bring it in, and we will work on it. We also can write as a full band in practice, we love to jam sometimes. Even if it doesn’t work out to be in the set, still fun to let go.
TRR: Speaking of collaborative, if you could get together with any band or musician to record a song together, who would that be?
Will: Hands down, mine would be Breaking Benjamin! My goodness, everyone around me could tell you that it would be a dream of mine.
Shane: The Used
Mark: Ozzy
Wes: Kiss
TRR: Nice mix there. We got to interview Ben Burnley of Breaking Benjamin. He was very cool, and really likes sharing the stage with a lot of up-and-coming bands. What is your most memorable show, good or bad?
Will: I would say our most memorable show was in Roanoke, VA. We actually just came off of a show where we thought we did absolutely horribly.
TRR: What made Roanoke so memorable?
Will: We came up to this place and the room we played in was literally a storage area for the bar’s stuff. They moved it, set up 2 PA speakers, no AC unless the backdoor opened, but we had fun.
TRR: What would be your dream show?
Will: As a band, we would love to be in a lineup that featured ALL of our influences, if they were still together/around. As individuals, we love any show. Music IS THE WAY!
TRR: What has been your craziest fan interaction?
Will: We were playing at this tiny venue a couple hours away and this older lady (best guess is 50s-60s) was jamming to us, obviously drunk. We got to a breakdown portion in a song and she pulled her shirt up and started dancing around. It was pretty hilarious to say the least.
TRR: Pendulous?
Will: Um, yeah. Lol. That was the general consensus too. Lol.
TRR: That's Rock 'N Roll! What’s on the table for the rest of the year?
Will: Well, we just recently released our alternative version to our song, “Normal” and we plan on putting out 5 more singles this year, so expect a single every other month. We are currently working on a music video for our next single. Also, we just got announced that we are playing at Blue Ridge Rock Festival this September!
TRR: Is there anyone you’d like to give a shout out to or thank you to?
Will: Dirtbag Clothing, Maverick Apparel Company, Xcel Drumsticks, Croatan Coffee Roasting Co., Inc, Eye to Eye Records, SJC Custom Drums, Rachel T (for the killer speed paintings she does at our shows!)
For more information about Hollow intent, follow them on Facebook.