Peacemaker is
Slick, Classic,
Southern Rock

By Kreig Marks, September 2021
KM: I just finished listening to your new songs, “One Step Behind,” “Cajun Woman,” “Dying Breed” and “Straight Out Tha Bottle.” Great stuff! If Texas Hippie Coalition and Lynyrd Skynyrd got together and decided to create a hybrid band, I think they found it in Peacemaker. What’s your thought on that?
PM: We appreciate the compliment! Skynyrd is legendary in our eyes and THC has always been a favorite of ours. Keith actually played a show with those guys a while back in a previous band, and they were really cool guys, so we are completely OK with that comparison.
KM: How did this ride begin? How did Peacemaker come about? 3 attempts at putting something together?
PM: Peacemaker was actually something that Keith and Tim had been wanting to get together for a few years. We attempted to play music together two other times in the past and I guess the third time really was a charm. All of the guys in peacemaker are veterans and, although we all come from a Metal past, we all had a passion for Southern Rock music and just went for it.
KM: Who are the guys in Peacemaker?
PM: Peacemaker is Keith Prince on vocals and guitar, Tim Miller on guitar, Derek Ridings on guitar, James Dillon on bass, and Isaac Nichols on drums
KM: You guys are definitely a throwback to the 70’s Southern Rock era when Skynyrd, Allman Brothers and Marshall Tucker ruled FM radio. You’ve got the 3 guitars, bringing that heavy Southern Rock sound. Do you think there’s room for your type of music on Satellite radio these days? Personally, I think there is and I believe there’s a need for bands like Peacemaker.
PM: We believe there’s definitely room for it and we believe that out of necessity that the music industry needs a band like Peacemaker. Not because it’s not been done before, but because it’s time someone did it again and kept it true to what it was in the 70s. We’re not here to reinvent the wheel, we’re just playing the music we love.
KM: Who’s the primary lyricist in the band and who’s putting together the music? Obviously you’ve found the right formula that works well for you guys.
PM: Keith is the man behind the lyrics and the voice of Peacemaker. As for the formula, we come into rehearsal and we all show off ideas we have. If it sticks, it sticks. A lot of times, Keith, Tim or Derek will come with a nearly complete idea of their parts for a song, and everyone else just falls in line.
KM: You’ve put out 4 songs and videos over the past few months. How many more do you plan to release before the end of the year?
PM: The first 4 songs we have put out are the singles just to promote our first full length album that we plan to drop later this year.
KM: Outside of South Carolina, where are your fans? For anyone who hasn’t heard of Peacemaker yet, I think it’s time they have.
PM: Peacemaker fans can be found all over the world already. We came out of the gate showing the world that the south still had something to say and it caught on faster than we could have imagined. We write songs for common people and we try to not let ourselves get caught up in what the rest of the world is doing. We want people to be able to relate to our music more than anything else.
KM: Who do you guys listen to or look up to as motivation?
PM: Reality is a big motivation and the lives we live. We come from a place in South Carolina where real life will kick your ass if you don’t fight for the things you believe in. As for bands and artists, we are huge fans of Skynyrd, Robin Trower, 38 Special, Whiskey Myers, Leslie West, and a lot of others.
KM: Let’s hear the dream show for Peacemaker. You get to choose 5 bands to share the ticket with. The bands can be current or former bands. Go!
PM: First, we have to have our brothers in Blackfoot on the bill, old school Molly Hatchet, Black Oak Arkansas, Blackberry, ZZ Top and the original Lynyrd Skynyrd.
KM: Nice! Are you guys heading out on the road for the rest of the year? When can we expect to see you guys in South Florida?
PM: There’s lots of things in the works at the moment, and if all goes as planned and the world really wants to see us, we will be heading out to see everyone in 2022.
KM: Anyone you’d like to thank or give a shout out to?
PM: Everyone who ever supported anything we’ve ever done in our music career, our families, Mike Jones at Garage Recordings, Classic Rock Archives, Mick Minchow, Liza for the pics and our road dogs, Rocky and Gabe. There’s a lot of people that we didn’t mention here, but we couldn’t do what we do without the help of all of these people. Most of all, we want to thank each and every one of our fans because, without them, there wouldn’t be an us.
INFO: Peacemaker
Kreig Marks, Publisher / Founder TRR

Kreig Marks is the Founder/Publisher of Tru Rock Revival Magazine.
Rock music has always been his passion, and promoting musicians. In is spare time he is an internationally recognized neuro-fitness trainer/ kinesiologist.