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Blind Choice is 3 guys from Scranton, PA; 

Dylan (Lead Guitar / Vocals), Matt ( Backup Vocals / Bass) & Tanner (Drums).  These 3 young guys are on a Rock 'n Roll mission and are gaining fans along the way through their music.  

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By:  Jason Yarrow,  May 2023

JY: The music profession can be brutal. What keeps you motivated every day to keep writing,

recording and performing?

TS; What keeps us inspired is our passion and love for creating and performing music! There is a certain type of adrenaline you get when you get on stage to perform the thing you love to do. You step on that stage and your mind just shuts off, every problem in the world just disappears. There are two things that exist, the music and the crowd.That's all we need to keep the drive to create more music.


JY: I’ve interviewed a lot of bands and whenever I’ve asked this question I get some strange looks,

some strange comments or some sarcasm. But, I’m going to ask you the question. What would make

you give up music? If you had to give it up, what would the reason by, other than a physical issue that

wouldn’t allow you to keep recording or performing?


TS: This is a very hard question, because my go to response would be I don’t think music is simply something I or my bandmates can just give up on. Like recently, I broke my elbow and played 3 shows drumming one handed and used my left foot to play double pedal to make up for my right arm being completely useless. Being down an arm as a drummer can’t keep me from the stage. But if we had to give up on playing music, it would be because something drastically changed our lives making music completely impossible to access.


JY: OK. So, if you had to give up the music, what would you do to support yourself or your family?

What’s the backup plan?


TS: Well I would say I would use my degree in Music Industry/Production, but since I have to give up on all things music, I would say become a mechanic, attempt to become a professional driver, or content creator.


JY: Gotta love the design and mechanics of cars. How old were you when you realized you wanted to be on stage?


TS: 3 years old, I heard the song ‘Iron Man’ by Black Sabbath. I would stand on the biggest rock in the front yard like I was performing on a stage. I would stand on it playing air guitar, singing the guitar part of Iron Man acting like I was performing for millions.


JY: Ha, inspired. From your family, who’s the biggest supporter of your career choice?


TS: Our biggest supporters are our families. They put up with our gigs all over the area, help us with merch, and are at almost every show we play. They support our dreams just as much as we want to make writing, performing, and recording our fulltime career paths.


JY: Who’s your biggest critic besides yourself?


TS: I would definitely say the people who don’t believe in us. We use the energy of the people who don’t support us as the fuel to our fire to keep pursuing what we believe in and push ourselves to be the best musicians we can possibly be.


JY: Take us back to the most memorable performance you’ve been involved with so far. It can be a

great memory or a bad one. Let’s hear it.


TS: One of the most memorable moments I’ve had on stage was probably Blind Choice’s performance at the Sherman Theater right before covid was even a thing in December of 2019. We played to about 500+ people as direct support for Patent Pending. It was unbelievable, there was something in the air that night. We played the hardest we ever played and the crowd matched our energy the entire time. I remember locking eyes with Dylan every once in a while, and we shared this look of, “WOW. This is nuts!” Then right after our performance, we were rushed by what felt like the entire crowd, we took photos and signed autographs for what felt like hours. But it was so amazing meeting each and every individual fan that came to the table. It was truly a night I will never forget. 


JY: Great story! Tell me a bit about Blind Choice. How did you all get together?


TS: Well, it all started when Dylan and Matt were recording/working in the same studio where I was recording some projects with multiple different artists, while they were recording an EP with their old drummer. Dylan mentioned it to the producer that they were looking for a new drummer, and the producer recommended me to the guys. Dylan then reached out to me about jamming some songs and filling in for a show for his High School, and ever since then I’ve been a part of the band.


JY: Tell me about Silver Lining.  Who is the primary writer in the band?  Do you guys have your own formula for writing?


TS: Dylan is the primary songwriter, he will usually write the lyrics, chord progression and melody of the songs. Then, he’ll come to practice with some of the songs/ideas he’ll write about and bring them in to us, then we’ll all usually throw in our own parts and break down what we can all incorporate amongst ourselves to make the song great. Silver Lining is our latest EP that resembles the past few years we’ve all been through individually, especially Dylan as he writes the lyrics, but we all connect with the music someway somehow, and that’s what it’s all about.


JY: Do you feel you guys are close to taking a big step forward as a band?


TS: We are definitely planning big things happening in the future. All I can say is keep an eye out, we’ve been working hard behind the scenes.


JY: I see you guys have shows scheduled through September.  Is there one that you’re really looking forward to?


TS: We have fun at every show we play, usually there’s always those select few we will always love and favor at the end of the day, but usually the bigger shows are what gives us that extra spark.


JY:  Is there anyone you want to thank or give a shout out to?


TS:  We want to thank all of our family, friends, and fans who have been with us for the ride since day one. We truly love every single one of you out there, and we hope to keep having you with us for the new music and performances coming in the future.

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